TikTok Account of Jungkook BTS Leaked
The leak of Jungkook BTS TikTok account has sparked a stir among fans around the world. Jungkook BTS Leaks His TikTok Account by Accident. Everything related to the famous boy band member is always in the spotlight, and this time is no different. When Jungkook accidentally shared a link to a TikTok challenge video on the Weverse community page, his personal TikTok account was unwittingly made public.
On Tuesday, August 1, 2023, Jungkok BTS shared a link to Seven’s TikTok challenge video that was previously done by boy band Enhypen. It didn’t take long for alert fans to realize that the link took them directly to the idol’s TikTok account.
News of Jungkook’s TikTok account leak spread quickly. Quoted from Hops.id, the topic and hashtag #Jungkook soon dominated the Twitter world with over 1 million conversations in just a matter of hours. Fans around the world were not left behind in giving this incident their full attention.
Not only globally, BTS fans in Indonesia were equally enthusiastic. They collectively replaced the nickname of the youngest member of BTS, Jungkook, with “Ian” or “Mas Ian”. Various hilarious memes with the “mas Ian” theme sprung up on Twitter, and the hashtag #masian became popular with over 15,000 conversations.
Jungkook BTS Leaks His TikTok Account Became Trending
However, after realizing his faux pas, Jungkook immediately gave a message to his fans on his Weverse page. Jokingly, he wrote that since sharing the TikTok video, fans now know his personal TikTok account. Although embarrassed, he shared that the account was actually inactive and only used to watch videos.
Jungkook’s confession didn’t end there. In an attempt to avoid more jokes, he immediately changed his TikTok account name from “Ian” to “JK” which are the initials of his name. With this move, he hoped to reduce the level of furor and maintain his privacy.
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Although Jungkook tried to calm the situation down, fans found this incident to be very funny and adorable. They understand that the name “Ian” was actually one of Jungkook’s stage name candidates before he officially debuted with BTS. This added a sweet touch to the story, and ARMYs showed their support by loving their idol endlessly.
From this incident, we can see how a trivial incident can take the BTS fan world by storm. Jungkook, as one of the most famous members of the world’s most popular band, has always been the center of attention. His every move is watched, and his every action is loved by fans who love him dearly. This incident once again proves the unwavering strength and dedication of ARMY in supporting their idols, including when there are cute and adorable moments like this.